Wednesday, April 1, 2009


Hey 8-B! Spring is here, and with it, Spring Fever! After what felt like YEARS of a long and cold winter, we all want to go to enjoy the outdoors as much as possible. So now more than ever is the perfect time to look at poetry that focuses on nature (being outdoors) and this term called 'Carpe Diem', which is Latin for 'Seizing the Day' - making the most out of the present. In order to do so, you will complete the following tasks:
Task ONE: Read both the poems and the prose posted on this blog. Pick the one you like the most, and describe what YOU think the poem/prose is saying. Talk about what you think the theme (message) of the poem is, and make sure to mention at least ONE poetic term that you see.
Task TWO: RESPOND to what a classmate has said (make sure you both looked at the same poem). Do you agree with your class? Why or why not?
Task THREE: Browse through the websites listed through the delicious site posted on this blog. Pick one poem that focuses on the idea of Carpe Diem or Nature. Print out the poem, and write at least TWO HEALTHY paragraphs describing what you think the poem is saying.
The TWO HEALTHY paragraphs will include:
Paragraph 1 -Discuss the themes and ideas you see in the poem, and make sure to point out any poetic terms you see - you MUST mention at least two.
Paragraph 2- Do you like the ideas presented in the poem? Why or why not?

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